Monday, July 14, 2014

and an ocean between it and me...

Welcome.  I live in a house by the sea in St. Augustine, Florida.  I am blessed. This blog is an experiment because I want to be more creative and I actually have the time to try to be. Kind of an ode to the life and style I hope to cultivate in my little corner of this island.  I'm learning as I go...obviously. Just look at the ugly layout. Ugh. If this turns into something special, I will pop for a custom design. Promise.

I should say...I adore Pinterest. Like obsessed. Right now, I am at 18.000 pins and counting. It's out of control.  I'm a reformed magazine addict, who uses Pinterest for my fix. So I hope to develop my favorite boards into this space.  If you aren't familiar, check it out immediately.

I love sandy toes, watching my son paddle around, sunshine, good books, beach glass, the smell of suntan oil (although I would never use it), the sound of wind chimes, warm breezes, lazy mornings, palm trees, travel, flip flops and looking at the stars. Oh and Disney.  I'm a ridiculous Disnerd.  And how could I forgot wine!  Sauvignon Blanc is my drink of choice. Feel free to send me a bottle. : )

In case you are wondering, the title of the blog comes from a beautiful song by Iron & Wine.  Hit up spotify (which I also love).

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